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lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

I constantly feel like I have to push circumstances in order to make things happen. I really find it hard to just let go and trust that what is meant to be will find a smooth way to come into shape, at the right time

Whether it is a desire, a goal or an asana; not only I start over planning and anticipating any minor detail related to it, but I also don't let other people (usually my husband) do their part of the job at their own rhythm. I might think I am helping but I am actually hindering  the course of events

Surrendering is so hard. Finding the balance between doing what needs to be done and trusting the process is so subtle that it sometimes hides between determination and anxiety

Some days or months I feel strong and flexible and balanced but some others everything feels out of place, hard to reach, akward, painful or even impossible. It is like riding a roller coaster of getting better and stepping back at the same time. I really come to question whether I am just doing it all wrong or it is just the way it is

I guess I will have to learn to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride 🙏


lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Start your day.

Start your day
With a positive thought
With a big smile
With your favorite song
With a healthy meal
With a new idea
With a cup of tea
With a nice reading
With a yoga practice
With a thankful prayer
Start your day
With a grateful heart ❤️ And make a difference.
Good morning planet earth 🌏
Namasté 🙏

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

I feel the urge to share this

Getting unexpectectly pregnant at the age of 20 is hard. Having the love of your life loving and supporting you sure makes it easier. But it is still hard for both. Gaining 30 pounds or more after pregnancy is not the best part of it.

After pregnancy, I was left with this feeling of failure and sadness that was heavier than any other burden I had carried before. Even tough I can still feel the remnants of that time; yoga has helped me leave that stage little by little. One day at a time.

My yoga mat; the cheapest one I could find seven years ago or so, stained, stinky and old as it is today, has seen me cry many times, it has seen me laugh, jump, sleep, stare at the ceiling and even yell. Somedays I really, really don't want to do yoga, but it is very hard for me to go to bed without stepping on my mat for at least 20 minutes. I don't have a perfect body. But what I have accomplished has been with hard work, commitment, and self care. No surgeries (as tempted as I once was 😅) no pills, no magic tricks. And for that I am very proud.

As women, we should really aknowledge the power we have over our bodies and minds. And that includes, deciding when or how we want to be mothers. Even for a second time. I didn't get to plan the first time and I take responsibility for that. And even tough I wouldn't want my life to be any other way than it is right now, I do want to decide next time. I truly believe all women deserve the ilussion and excitement of having a baby come and I do, too.

I am NOT any worse of a mother for wanting to wait, I don't love my child any less for not giving him brothers or sisters yet. I am not selfish or vane. I am just accountable for myself. If you have a different opinion I can respect it but I would ask you to keep it to yourself. I will let you know when I need it. Don't let ANYONE tell you when you should or shouldn't make such an important decision. It only takes two people, and therefore, only two people must agree. Maybe I will regret waiting for so long when the time comes, but even then it still will have been my decision, and for me that's worth it.

And to the loving man sleeping next to me every night: I thank you for your love and support. Even tough this is a sensitive topic between us, even tough we have different opinions right now about it, you respect my will above all peoples opinions and comments. It means a lot to me.

I love yoy.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Where there is L O V E

Where there is love, there is light

Where there is light, there is hope

Where there is hope, there is action

Where there is action, there is change

Where there is change, there is growth

Where there is growth, there is peace

Where there is peace, there is joy

Where there is joy, there is fredom

Where there is freedom, there is your place.

Start with L O V E

Find your P L A C E


domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

With all my love, to you and me.

You see, that you weren't going to be the lost, confused girl you felt you were forever.
You see, that you weren't always going to be the foolish young girl that messed up.
You see, that sadness and loneliness weren't going to nest in your heart and soul forever.
You see, that one day you would know where and who you had and wanted to be with.
You see, that lost plans and opportunities never belonged to you at all, and holding on to them was only keeping you away from your own path.
You see, that even if you make bad calls sometimes you are still braver than the ones that never try something new.
You see, that you became this amazing young mama of the most incredibly handsome big boy that ever existed.
You see, that what seemed as a tremendous problem turned into the greatest treasure in your life.
You see, that your past does not define you, rather it teaches you.
You see, that no matter how hard or unbearable life might seem today it is only transforming you into your very best.
You should know by now then, that today is also temporary, that this might change too. You don't know how, or when, or why but do know that EVERYTHING ALWAYS ends up fine, and if it is not fine now, then it isn't over yet.
Know that everything and everyday is a new beginning, all of it is a process, everything is a path, that there is no destination but joy in the journey, every second of it, every day, every moment. Know too that you are in the right place in the right time, your own. Accept it and rejoice in it as it is.
Not that I know much, but I do know how much you are worth, how wonderful you are, how hard it's been, how strong you've become, how brave you have proved to be, and inevitably, all the happiness you deserve.
With all my love, to you and me.